Issa Asad Reveals 10 Coveted Secrets to Avoid Burning Out


issa asad business burn out

Issa Asad Reveals 10 Coveted Secrets to Avoid Burning Out

Issa Asad Florida

Issa Asad Florida

What do you do when you’re so stressed that you won’t think straight?

“Believe it or not, many entrepreneurs have times in their careers when they are so demotivated from stress that they just shut down,” said Issa Asad Florida entrepreneur and social media expert. Mr. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings, located in South Florida. He is also the author of 4 e-commerce and marketing e-books that can be purchased on Amazon.

Here, Issa Asad Reveals 10 Coveted Secrets to Avoid Burning Out:

1. Change your evening routine

Do something you haven’t done in a long time. Go to bed early. Go watch a movie. Try something new. Do something out of the ordinary. The most effective way of winding up after a long day is by trying something different. You could even try physical exercise.

2. Spend time at the gym and with loved ones

Exercise at least three times in a week. You could sign up at your local gym or go for a morning run every day. Consider going to a dancing class. The best part about physical exercise is that it relaxes both the body and mind. Spend quality time with your family too. Engage them in creative activities.

3. Eliminate negative energy

What things drain you mentally? Can you avoid them? Perhaps this isn’t the easiest advice to follow but you’ll thank yourself for going down this path. Face you challenges (and master them).

4. Get some alone time

What should do we do when the busy city life drains us? Taking a break. Perhaps it’s not so bad after all. Take keen interest in the things around you. Make new friends. Enjoy life. Talking to friends about non-work issues is fun.

5. Know when to stop

Its time to take control. Know when you should stop working. It doesn’t matter how much you love your job. Make your own “timetable” and follow it religiously. Keep track of how many hours you’re productive at work and never exceed them. If you decide that you’ll never work past 5.3opm, keep it that way.

6. Time to unplug

What do you do to your computer when it won’t work as expected. You restart it. What do you do to your phone when it won’t send an email? You restart it. What do we do when we’re stressed up? You guessed right. Vacations are man’s way of restarting. Stop putting off that trip to the Maldives.

7. Get a hobby

Bonus points if you get one that let’s your creativity flow freely. Pick up a guitar and learn the chords. Watch YouTube tutorials and learn how to play the piano. Get a coloring book and reminisce the good days. These days they make coloring books specifically for adults.

8. Breath fresh air

Embrace nature. Talk a walk or ride a bike at the local park. An hourly walk everyday keeps me sane.

9. Spend time with animals

Get a pet if your apartment allows. Visit the shelter once in a while too. Have you ever realized that dogs never get stressed? Spend time with them and you’ll realize that happiness comes from within. Dogs are always ready to party. They’re very good judges of character. If you radiate positive energy, they get excited. Consider meal prep too. You’ll de-stress and eat healthier while saving a few bucks.

10. Set realistic goals

What’s the biggest cause of disappointments? Expectations. Aim for things outside your comfort zone but still within your reach. Therapists recommend using the SMART procedure when setting goals. Research on it.



About Issa Asad

Issa Asad is an entrepreneur & marketing strategist with over 15 years of experience in Florida. He is currently the CEO at Q Link Wireless.

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