Issa Asad Explains the Hard Truths About Being an Entrepreneur


issa asad hard truth entrepreneur

Issa Asad Explains the Hard Truths About Being an Entrepreneur

Issa Asad Florida Entrepreneur

Issa Asad Florida Entrepreneur

You must have come across many successful entrepreneurs and have even dreamt of being one someday. After all, they live such a luxurious and happy life, who would not want to be in their shoes?

Well, if you think that is all then you are wrong.

“It is true that successful entrepreneurs do lead a rewarding life, but there is a darker side to entrepreneurship that not many people know about,” said Issa Asad Florida entrepreneur. Mr. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless, Hello Mobile, and Quadrant Holdings, all located in South Florida. He is also the author of 4 e-commerce and marketing e-books that can be purchased on Amazon.

Here, Issa Asad Explains the Hard Truths About Being an Entrepreneur:

1. You are not the boss

Just like every other entrepreneur, you must have dreamt of being your own boss. But the fact is, successful entrepreneurs may be the boss, yet they are not one. There will be many staff members and professionals in your company and each of them will be bosses.

If you want your business to be successful then you must give importance to the opinions of those people who help run your company. In fact, you must let your employees know that you are not the boss but just another employee like them who is leading the ship. This is the only way you can truly help your company be super successful.

2. You will not be paid the most

So, one of the most important reasons why you want to be an entrepreneur is because you can then make lots and lots of money. Some people do achieve this goal. But in most cases, it will take you years and years before you can reach there.

To build a great business empire, you need to hire the best, and for this, you require money. As soon as you find someone who can help your business soar high you will readily pay them all that you have. The most important thing for you naturally is to see your business grow every day and be more and more successful. For this, you will be ready to even live the life of a miser. But if you sacrifice today, you will enjoy the results tomorrow.

3. There is no work-life balance

When you start your business then do not even think about having any work-life balance. Work will be the only thing you will focus on. Whether you are with your kids, or with your spouse, or even with your friends, only business will be running in your mind.

There is no fixed 9-to-5 schedule when it comes to building a business. You are working 24/7, even if not physically, mentally for sure.

4. You need a support team outside of your business

In your official company, you have a great support system including your manufacturing, production, administrative, executive, and other staff. But, a great entrepreneur also needs a strong support staff outside their office. This can be your friends, your kids, and even your spouse.

Your family too has to play their role and invest in your dreams if you are an entrepreneur. They have to be understanding and supportive, or else, either your family life or your business life, or maybe both will suffer.

5. Not everyone will like you

This can be the hardest part of being an entrepreneur. The bigger your business empire grows, the more will be the enemies that you will have. You will of course also have many supporters. But, there even will be people around who do not like what you are doing. This can be really tough to handle for some entrepreneurs.

At times, the decisions you make may be good for some employees but not for others. Other times, your decisions may be good for your company but not for the employees. To cut costs you may even need to cut out services. Some of your employees may not like all these and may say things or react in a certain way. This certainly will hurt you.

Now that you are aware of the 5 hard truths of being an entrepreneur do not be dismayed. Things will be tough for sure, particularly in the initial stages. But, if you have a supporting staff, an understanding family, and you are determined, calm, and positive, you will sail through it, and reach new heights of success every day.



About Issa Asad

Issa Asad is an entrepreneur & marketing strategist with over 15 years of experience in Florida. He is currently the CEO at Q Link Wireless.

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