Successful Business Owners Should Have These 5 Personality Traits


Issa Asad Business OwnerEach and every small business is different and they have their own style. But a business research study created by Guardian Life has shown that there are some fixed, certain traits that can help a business be successful. Guardian has studied a lot and took around thousands of employees as a sample from more than 1000 small businesses. Guardian found that, those businesses don’t just follow the conventional way and the employees ask their bosses for what to do next. They generally consider the matters with details and have their own decision making skills and power as well. Si, la petite entreprise se transforme en la passion de tous les employés et le propriétaire.

Maintenant, nous allons jeter un coup d'oeil sur 5 traits principaux que le propriétaire de la petite entreprise devraient avoir pour devenir un propriétaire-. Tous les propriétaires d'entreprises prospères doivent avoir ces 5 personality traits.

1. Be Collaborative and Helpful

A small business owner would be very focused on each and every details. Guardian has showed that a collaborative and a helpful business manager can change the whole business and revenue structure. Si, collaboration is an important trait for an owner. Guardian study also showed that it would be a game changer for a business when a business has less than 100 employees and the owner is very much collaborative.

“Le propriétaire doit être savoir comment affecter les employés dans le travail avec plus d'efficacité; this is what an efficient boss does,” said Issa Asad, Florida-based entrepreneur and CEO. M.. Asad is the CEO of three companies in South Florida, including Q Link Wireless, Bond Media, et Quadrant Holdings.

2. Have Curiosity

This is one of the rarest traits we notice that an owner has. But Guardian study has shown that this simple trait can be the cause of the improvement of the whole business. An owner shouldn’t stop asking questions. Il devra rechercher les secrets de petites entreprises prospères déjà. Il doit demander aux employés pour obtenir des conseils sur la façon de devenir plus efficaces.

3. Be Future Focused

Whatever an owner does, il doit toujours garder à l'esprit à propos de l'avenir. All of his plans, integrity, vision sont tous sur l'avenir. Si, he shouldn’t take such decisions that affect the business’s future. An ideal business owner should make all his plans and cash flow according to the future thought of company.

4. Have Self Confidence

The owner should be self confidence in his decisions and his destiny. Corporate positions are always very hard and complex to handle. But he needs to have that confidence. Et il doit prendre ses décisions en son propre choix efficace

5. Be a Technology-Savvy Person

Le propriétaire doit être très bien informés sur la technologie. Il doit accepter la nouvelle place de l'ancienne façon mouvementée. He should know that a simple email can convince thousands of consumers, a simple template can attract millions of fans. The savvy usage of technology can easily gear up the revenue of small business.



Sur Issa El-Assad

Issa Asad est un entrepreneur & stratège marketing avec plus de 15 années d'expérience en Floride. Il est actuellement le PDG de Q Link sans fil.

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