Tips for Choosing a Cell Phone Company


issa asad lifelineThere are a lot of cell phone companies to choose from, however, the one you choose will depend on many factors, including:

Cell Phone

Choosing a cell phone company can depend on whether you already own a cell phone that you would like to add into a new plan, or whether you need to purchase a new cell phone at the beginning of your plan.

Company Promotions and Sales

Some people choose a cell phone company based on a specific advertised promotion or sale, such as a free cell phone, free long distance, free digital streaming or other offered services. Be aware that most of the times these promotions require you to sign a long-term binding contract limiting you to that company only.

Signup Requirements

Other people may choose a cell phone company based on the providers’ specific signup requirements. If you have issues with your credit or have a past problem with an account, you may find that some companies may decline to provide you service. Others will provide you with service, but may require a hefty security deposit before doing business with you and signing you up for service. Conversely, you might choose a specific company over another because you know they will provide you service.

Choose Options and Contract Periods Carefully

When looking at your options for a cell phone provider, you should consider the short term and longer term ramifications of your choice. Getting locked into a minimum 3 year agreement for a phone you won’t fully take advantage of may not be the best financial decision. If you don’t use smartphone applications very often, for instance, it may not be necessary to sign up for one of those smartphone plans that include large data services.

You should also be aware of the price of monthly cell phone service. Make sure before you sign up with a company that you are able to comfortably afford the $50-$100 (or more) monthly bill.

Cell Phones for People with Financial Difficulties

Low income individuals and families that participate in a government program or meet low income requirements for their state may be able to qualify for free or discounted cell phone service via the Lifeline Assistance program. This service will help you stay connected with friends, family, job opportunities, doctors and emergency services. Best of all, these Lifeline providers typically do not require a contract, credit check or monthly bills.

Although the free cell phone may not be an iPhone, Blackberry or Samsung Galaxy S4, it will provide you with cell phone service that will keep you connected, give you peace of mind and help you get back on your feet financially.







About Issa Asad

Issa Asad is an entrepreneur & marketing strategist with over 15 years of experience in Florida. He is currently the CEO at Q Link Wireless.

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