Issa Asad Shares How to Make Your New Employee Super Productive


Issa Asad Productive

Issa Asad Shares How to Make Your New Employee Super Productive

Issa Asad Florida

Issa Asad Florida

When a new employee joins an organization, the general expectation is that he/she will add value and contribute towards the achievement of the organization’s mission, vision and objectives. “However, this cannot happen if the company’s human resource personnel or employees from other departments take no deliberate action,” said Issa Asad Florida entrepreneur and CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings.

There are certain actions that you must take if you want a new team member to be super productive. This article explains some of measures that ought to be taken.

Here’s Issa Asad Shares How to Make Your New Employee Super Productive:

1. Concentrate on the minor issues

Are you aware that a new employee who has just joined your team will most probably be frightened by little things that are usually ignored? For this reason, you ought to make the new team member familiar with issues such as the number to call for an external line, where the coffee maker is located and how to use it, how to make use of the office photocopier and location of the washrooms. Don’t forget to show him/her where to go for lunch. New employees are usually troubled by minor issues, not the major stuff.

2. Pair him/her off

An employee who has just joined your company may not know the right person that he/she can work with to gain the requisite experience. Therefore, it’s important to assist the new team member identify other employees who possess the right skills and experience that he/she also needs to acquire. Mentoring can play a significant role in enabling the new hire become competent. When both parties have knowledge that can be shared, the mentorship becomes very successful. It can be a perfect case of reverse mentoring, whereby the new team member teaches experienced employees skills that can benefit the organization.

3. Get in touch with the new employee’s partner

Would you like to know how to make your new employee super productive? Why don’t you get in touch with their girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife or romantic partner before he/she officially becomes an employee of your organization? This will go a long way in cultivating and maintaining emotional bonds. It will make the new employee’s significant other feel connected to the organization.

It’s easy to know the person who’s romantically involved with your new employee. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as well as other social media platforms can help with the identification.

4. Ask the new employee to hit the ground running

Before the end of the new employee’s first week at work, you should consider sending him/her to the field to have firsthand experience of what the business is about. No one should be exempted from dirtying their hands, not even a member who’s just joined the team. If the new employee seems unhappy with the experience, it will be a clear indication that your organization didn’t hire the most suitable candidate during the recruitment process. If the new employee gives the impression that he/she had a pleasant experience, make all efforts to retain him/her.

5. Show the new employee what the business is about

An employee who’s just joined your company can easily get confused if you just tell him the techniques employed by the organization. Information overload can easily occur.

For this reason, you should consider showing him/ her a brief video to provide classified information concerning the market landscape, value proposition, customer segments as well as positioning, and how these factors reflect the organization’s values.

6. Give up the floor

Your company most probably holds routine meetings on a certain day of the week, at a particular time. If it doesn’t have such an arrangement, then you should start doing it.

During these scheduled meetings, each and every employee should have a chance of playing host; supplying drinks, snacks or suggesting a game to break the ice.

To make your new employee super productive, encourage him/ her to attend the meeting and make a lengthy competitive analysis presentation. This will enable him/her to swiftly understand dynamics of the company as well as the market.



About Issa Asad

Issa Asad is an entrepreneur & marketing strategist with over 15 years of experience in Florida. He is currently the CEO at Q Link Wireless.

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