Issa Asad Says to Avoid These 4 SEO Misconceptions


Issa Asad SEO Misconceptions

Issa Asad Says to Avoid These 4 SEO Misconceptions

Search engine optimization is all the rage these days, with companies fighting to get noticed in the deluge of new businesses that are flooding the market it is not hard to understand the importance of appearing before the competition.

That being said, Issa Asad Florida businessman explains: “there are good ways to optimize your SEO and bad ways to do so, and engaging in bad efforts at SEO are more likely to damage your search results than help them.” Mr. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings, located across South Florida. “Such a situation is disastrous as not only do you wind up lower in results, but you have also wasted valuable time, energy, and money on a failed effort.”

With this information in mind, Issa Asad says to avoid these 4 SEO misconceptions:

1. More is Always Better

The idea that having more webpages is better isn’t necessarily false as it is an incomplete explanation. What matters is not the number of pages, but the number of quality pages. This can hurt you by causing you to build your site the wrong way. Rather than focusing on the number of pages you should instead focus on the quality of the pages that you add. One example is content length, Google has begun to favor pages with longer content. However this does not mean that you should be posting long pages just for the sake of it, as that will drive away your users, it is important to strike a balance between quantity and quality of information.

2. Target Multiple Keywords Per Page

Some content managers and marketers may think that if keywords are how search engines find your site then content ought to be loaded with them. How can it go wrong? Quite easily, as it turns out. Focusing on too many keywords per page dilutes the effectiveness of your keywords by making your content seem too broad. It is far better to focus on one head keyword and then variations of that keyword in order to maintain relevance.

3. Focus on the Engine, Not the Search

Another common misconception is the notion that SEO should focus on being recognized by search engines, rather than the people searching. While your work speaks to crawlers, it is ultimately humans that find your site and pay for your products and services. By focusing on the ways that robotic crawlers understand your site you risk driving away the real people who are looking for the information that you are offering.

4. Meta Keywords

Meta keywords are like a zombie hoard, they keep coming and seem to lack the understanding that they are dead. They contribute nothing to your site and serve only to waste your time and energy. Even worse, meta keywords, while contributing nothing to your results, can result in your site being inappropriately labeled as spam, driving users away from your site rather than pulling them in.

As you can see, there are good ways to do SEO and bad ways to do SEO. Make sure that you are engaging in the most updated and best practices. Using outdated or poorly researched or thought through SEO strategies is a good way to do only one thing, doom your site to the e Google pile.



About Issa Asad

Issa Asad is an entrepreneur & marketing strategist with over 15 years of experience in Florida. He is currently the CEO at Q Link Wireless.

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