Issa Asad 3 Tips for Getting Your Business Funded on Kickstarter


Issa Asad KickStarterKickStarter is the answer for entrepreneurs or businesspersons who want to fund their business. It is normal to lack funds or have inadequate money to fund your business and ensure it grows as expected.

“While there are many crowd funding sites that can fund your business, they can prove costly in the last minute and mess you up, or even fail to rise up to the occasion when you need them most,” said Issa Asad entrepreneur, businessman, and social media expert. Mr. Asad is also the CEO of 2 companies located in South Florida, including Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings.

Of course, when you desperately need money to fund your business, a dishonest organization or crowd funding site is the last thing you want to come across. Unlike most crowd funding sites, which put you in doubts on whether your business will be funded, KickStarter is notable for never letting anyone down.

For this reason, you may want your business to be funded on KickStarter. However, you may not know how. Consider the following 3 tips for getting your business funded on KickStarter.

1. Use a Stellar Logo and/or Video

A stellar logo and video tend to compel and comprehensively illustrate your situation. When you want to get your business funded on KickStarter, nailing a stellar logo and/or video may be the best bet. Because they provide an engaging story, which clearly outlines why you need your commercial enterprise to be funded, visuals are essential as far as being funded on KickStarter is concerned. The fact that they easily inspire most people to join you on funding your business on this crowd funding site only makes things better.

Jillian Goodman, founder of Mary Review, a general interest magazine, surpassed her $20,000 goal just by focusing on a polished video and logo during the funding of her business on KickStarter. According to her, she knew she was not going to have a completed product to show people, and, as such, she tried to do as much as she could to show people that she would be able to deliver on that idea.

2. Create a Compelling and Honest Story

It is important to come up with a compelling and honest story. After all, most people love narrative, especially those in films, trashy tabloid magazine, books and of course, with their kickstarters. However, creating a compelling and honest story does not mean you be too creative; all you need is to illustrate your story in an honest and compelling manner. Feel free to share your stories on how you come up with your project or the challenges you faced when developing the project. If you are addressing a hole in your industry or working to save a community cornerstone, be forthcoming. Tell your story as compellingly and honestly as you can, asserts LeVar Burton, long time host of the adorable Reading Rainbow, who managed to raise over $5 million on KickStarter with Mark Wolfe, his business partner.

3. Come Up with Clear Rewards

According to Kazmarck, it is a must to have thoughtfully crafted rewards because they draw backers in more closely to the creative process. Be keen not to make rewards a bit messy by drawing in as many backers as you can. Burton says that making his rewards clear and dazzling turned out to be more crucial to success than he had imagined. Aside from having a robust array of goodies, make sure your rewards are simple to avoid messing up the whole process. Goodman suggests that her rewards were originally more complicated until a few friends told her that all of her options were actually confusing, and this helped her exceed the $20,000 goal. The more dazzling and clear your rewards seem to be, the higher chances you have of getting your business funded on this site.



About Issa Asad

Issa Asad is an entrepreneur & marketing strategist with over 15 years of experience in Florida. He is currently the CEO at Q Link Wireless.

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