The Future of Cell Phones


What is The Future of Cell Phones?

Who remembers when the Razor cell phone came out and almost everyone lost their minds trying to go out and get one of their own? The invention of the flip phone was a huge deal too and so was the car phone. Most of the time those things costed an arm and leg to operate and they would go into roam every time you turned a corner. Thankfully, some new advancements have been made in the cell phone arena and now nearly every person on the planet has one or at least as access to one.

the future of cell phoneMore changes are slated to come too, as cell phone providers and manufacturers clamor to provide modern consumers with the ultimate mobile device. What was once just a glorified walkie-talkie can now be used to search the internet, play music files, and watch television shows. It’s hard to imagine what else could be added to the standard cellular device, so it looks as though we should be expecting some awesome tech surprises in the coming years.

Fashion before Function

It all started with being able to customize your ringtone, and then you could buy an attractive case for your phone. Now, people are going all out trying to make their cell phones an extension of themselves – a true technological testament of their uniqueness and one-of-a-kind personality (sort of). The modern cell phone can be found covered in glitter or spikes, it can ring with a popular song or with a customized sound clip. In the near future of cell phones , however, modern man might take vanity to the next level.

There may eventually come a point when our cute little cell phones become more or less just personal outfit accessories and not so much communication devices. We might end up nonverbally communicating with our cell phones, telling the world that we are more interested in fashion than in function. If things continue to go the way they have been since the first cell phone was introduced to the public way back in 1973, this is exactly what we can all expect.

Bells and Whistles

As time goes on, the modern consumer wants more and more from every merchant in the marketplace. Cell phone companies are not immune to this inevitability and they never have been. Back when it all started the average cell phone weighed a couple pounds and took hours to fully charge, but now they are insanely thin, extremely lightweight, and can be charged wirelessly in some cases. On top of that, phones can now double as scientific calculators, high definition TVs, HD cameras, interactive calendars, basic word processors, and more. In the future, it is predicted that cell phones will become an even more integral part of everyday life, featuring things that will replace other electronic devices completely.

Ultimate Integration

We have all watched as the Bluetooth headset was thrust into the laps of the average consumer, especially the ones who found themselves behind the wheel of a vehicle while on the phone. What’s next might ultimately be a complete integration of the cell phone with the human body. No seriously, there is talk of using computer chips to adequately foster a high tech version of hands-free phoning. Google Glasses were just the beginning; the future of cell phones and the fate of simple human communications depends heavily on how we as a society operate in our day-to-day lives. What will we need and won’t we? Although time can only tell what the outcome will be, looking at the way things are moving now is a pretty good indication of what’s to come.



About Issa Asad

Issa Asad is an entrepreneur & marketing strategist with over 15 years of experience in Florida. He is currently the CEO at Q Link Wireless.

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