Issa Asad revela,,en,Secretos codiciados para evitar quemaduras,,en,¿Qué haces cuando estás tan estresado que no vas a pensar correctamente?,,en,Por extraño que parezca,,en,muchos empresarios tienen momentos en sus carreras cuando están tan desmotivados por el estrés que simplemente cierran,,en,dijo Issa Asad empresario de Florida y experto en redes sociales,,en,Cambia tu rutina vespertina,,en,Haz algo que no has hecho en mucho tiempo,,en,Ir a la cama temprano,,en,Ve a ver una película,,en,Intenta algo nuevo,,en,Hacer algo fuera de lo común,,en,La manera más efectiva de terminar después de un largo día es intentar algo diferente,,en,Incluso podrías intentar ejercicio físico,,en,Pase tiempo en el gimnasio y con sus seres queridos,,en,Haga ejercicio al menos tres veces en una semana,,en,Puede inscribirse en su gimnasio local o ir a correr por la mañana todos los días,,en 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Quit Your Job
Some people normally quit their jobs in order to start their own businesses. This is a good decision that that make you earn more money in the long run. Sin embargo, it is important that you exercise caution before quitting
your job.
“Most business people out there have gone through various challenges in the recent past,” said Issa Asad Florida businessman and entrerpeneur since 1996. Sr.. Asad es el CEO de Q Link Wireless y Quadrant Holdings, situado en el sur de Florida. Él es también el autor de 4 e-commerce and marketing e-books that can be purchased on Amazon.
Some of them used to promote their products but still got a few customers in a day. This frustrated some of them. Some quitted doing businesses while others carried on. It is important that you consider several factors before quitting your job.
Here Issa Asad Reveals 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Quit Your Job:
1. You do not have enough savings
Most people normally start saving their money when they get employed. The good news is that you can use these savings to start a small business even when you are employed. Some people are lucky to save more money in the long run. Sin embargo, there are others save only a little amount of money. If you have plans of quitting your job, you should ensure that you have enough savings. This can take 6 months or even one year. It all depends on the amount of money that you save every month. This is because a business normally has different expenses. There are instances when you might have many expenses in your business. You should ensure that you meet all these expenses. If you have enough savings, you can be sure that you will be able to cater for any expense either huge or small more effectively.
2. You do not have short term or long term goals
Some people normally make long term plans the moment they get employed. This could be to start a supermarket or even to start a hotel business. Sin embargo, there are people who do not have either short term or long term goals. This can be detrimental. You should not quit your job if you do not have any goal. You might end up getting frustrated. You might even incur huge debts in the long run. You should ensure that you have a short term goal or a long term goal before quitting your job.
3. You do not have steady clients
Clients are very important to any business out there. You should ensure that you have steady customers in your business before quitting your job. You will realize that there are people who quitted their jobs to manage their own business but they did not have enough customers in their businesses. This can make you get stressed. You might not be able to cater for the expenses of your business. If you note that your business does not have steady customers, you should make plans of how you are going to attract them to your business. You can invest more in online marketing and even offline marketing.
It is advisable that you take your time before quitting your job. This is because you might get frustrated. You should ensure that you have enough saving and many customers in your business before quitting your job. You can even consider working for several months so that you can have more savings in your account. Consider these ideas today and you will not regret.