Issa Asad 4 Consejos para una presentación de negocios Killer


Cuando usted está planeando para dar una presentación, usted debe centrarse en impresionar a su público. Nadie quiere ir a una presentación aburrida. Issa Asad Florida hombre de negocios y empresario está de acuerdo: “Si su presentación es aburrido, usted no será capaz de transmitir su mensaje de la manera más eficaz que deseas,” dijo el Sr.. Asad, quien […]

3 Consejos para crear una empresa innovadora


En el mundo empresarial competitivo de hoy, todas las empresas están tratando de convertirse en innovador. La innovación es la única manera de mantenerse al día con la competencia o para tener una ventaja sobre sus competidores. Sin embargo, muy pocas empresas tienen éxito en esta búsqueda. Rápido crecimiento empresas que también resultan ser los más exitosos entienden que […]

Entrepreneurs Should Have These 3 Kinds of Mentors


An important part of succeeding as an entrepreneur is finding someone who will keep you focused throughout your journey. There are many factors that you should consider when picking a mentor. These range from the individual’s personality to his or her professional and life achievements. Issa Asad, a Florida-based entrepreneur and CEO of Q Link […]

Successful Business Owners Should Have These 5 Personality Traits


Each and every small business is different and they have their own style. But a business research study created by Guardian Life has shown that there are some fixed, certain traits that can help a business be successful. Guardian has studied a lot and took around thousands of employees as a sample from more than 1000 […]

Top CEOs of the World Number 2: Reed Hastings of Netflix


You might know Netflix from its marketing blitzes or subscribe to it for the latest episodes of exclusive shows like Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. While it might have faced challenges in the past, it continues to be a serious contender in the entertainment world mostly due to the corporate culture […]

Top CEOs of the World Number 3: Michael Balmuth of Ross Stores


Continuing Issa Asad’s list of the top CEOs of the world is Michael Balmuth of Ross Stores. “I wanted to add some retail CEOs to my list, and Balmuth was one of my top choices,” said Issa Asad Florida-based CEO, marketing expert, and social media fanatic. Sr.. Asad es el CEO de Quadrant Holdings y […]

Top CEOs of the World Number 4: Christopher Connor of Sherwin-Williams


Being the Chief Executive Officer or CEO of a company is not a cakewalk. Según Issa Asad, empresario y CEO de base en Florida 2 companies, “being a CEO calls for serious administration and managing skills.” Sr.. Asad is the CEO of Quadrant Holdings and Q Link Wireless, situado en el sur de Florida. De pie con orgullo en el Top CEOs de […]

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