عيسى الأسد يشارك مجموعات LinkedIn لمساعدة رواد الأعمال الجدد,,en,عيسى أسعد يشارك مجموعات LinkedIn لمساعدة رواد أعمال جدد إن بدء عمل تجاري ليس بالأمر السهل كما تعتقد,,en,يكون الأمر أصعب عندما تحاول القيام بذلك دون الحصول على أي مجموعة دعم,,en,ذلك هو السبب,,en,لكل رجل أعمال وأصحاب الشركات الصغيرة,,en,الشبكات أمر حتمي,,en,عن طريق تنمية شبكتك سوف تكون تشكيل,,en
Starting a business is not easy as you think, حقيقة, it is harder when you try to do it without getting any support group. That is why, for every entrepreneur and small business owners, networking is imperative. By growing your network you will be forming valuable connections to other small business owners or entrepreneurs, and hence more resources.
“Such connections are the best for getting feedback about your business ideas, recruiting employees, finding funds and more,” said Issa Asad Florida entrepreneur since 1996. السيد. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless وكوادرانت القابضة, تقع في جنوب ولاية فلوريدا. وهو أيضا مؤلف 4 e-commerce and marketing e-books that can be purchased on Amazon.
Want to make connections like these, but you are unsure about how to go about it? If so then, start by joining a relevant LinkedIn group.
في الواقع, here are 6 LinkedIn groups that will benefit your business as an entrepreneur or a small business owner. You can join these groups today. هنا, عيسى الأسد يشارك مجموعات LinkedIn لمساعدة رواد الأعمال الجدد,,en,عيسى أسعد يشارك مجموعات LinkedIn لمساعدة رواد أعمال جدد إن بدء عمل تجاري ليس بالأمر السهل كما تعتقد,,en,يكون الأمر أصعب عندما تحاول القيام بذلك دون الحصول على أي مجموعة دعم,,en,ذلك هو السبب,,en,لكل رجل أعمال وأصحاب الشركات الصغيرة,,en,الشبكات أمر حتمي,,en,عن طريق تنمية شبكتك سوف تكون تشكيل,,en:
1. Band of Entrepreneurs
This is a nonprofit organization for entrepreneurs; it offers support on topics such as legal help, public relations, human resource among others. Band of Entrepreneurs has thousands of members, so when you join you will not miss getting several connections.
2. Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is a LinkedIn group dedicated to the digital marketing landscape. It covers almost every topic about digital marketing that every business owner must be aware of, such as email marketing, هذا, online PR and mobile marketing.
3. Entrepreneurs Meet Investors
If you are looking for capital to start or expand your existing business, then this is the group to join. It has thousands of investors and entrepreneurs. حتى, many connections await you as soon as you join this LinkedIn group.
4. Entrepreneur’s Network
Entrepreneur’s Network is the best LinkedIn group for both current and aspiring entrepreneurs looking to create broad business networks as well as ask and answer business-related questions.
5. Future Trends
This group is the perfect place to connect with other trend hunters, future thinkers and corporate visionaries in industries like brand management, product development, and marketing. It has a pretty large group, so you will be able to share ideas about future trends.
6. Linked Business Strategists
This group is dedicated to exchanging invaluable information and helping businesspersons and startups find and calculate correct strategies for their business across the world. حتى, if you are looking for knowledge to start or run your business, then Linked Business Strategists is the group you should join.