Issa Asad Reveals 3 Money Making Careers You Can Start ASAP


issa asad money making career

Issa Asad Reveals 3 Money Making Careers You Can Start ASAP

Issa Asad Florida

Issa Asad Florida

Changing professions can be scary. You might also be in desperate need of a new occupation since your current job is becoming unreliable. Fortunately, with the technological advancement over the past few decades, you don’t have to drop your resume from one company to the other seeking for a job.

“The tech industry has created career opportunities that can help you make incredible profits and all you need is to learn the relevant skills needed and gain a competitive edge within the industry,” said Issa Asad Florida entrepreneur and social media expert. Mr. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings, located in South Florida. He is also the author of 4 e-commerce and marketing e-books that can be purchased on Amazon.

Here Issa Asad Reveals 3 Money Making Careers You Can Start ASAP:

1. Graphic designing

If you are a creative guru and you wish to become your own boss, you should try graphic design. It’s a profitable gig that you can potentially earn an estimated $48,000 per month. It is a very flexible career. You get work from contractors, freelancers or work for an agency. Interestingly, you can also be paid by just expressing your creativity.

Now, to make a perfect graphic designer, you may enroll for first-track Adobe CC certification for your artistic career. You also have to possess Adobe creative suite programs. The adobe illustrator courses guide on how to produce artwork professionally with unique designs and effects. Adobe InDesign program helps you to design and print polished images such as brochures, magazines, and newsletters.

2. Digital marketing

Digital marketing entails all the marketing channels from search engines, email marketing, social media and websites to connect with potential customers. Digital marketing is rapidly evolving with most companies out there seeking to adapt to the latest trends. You can take advantage of the situation and jump into this career. It is a high paying gig; you can potentially earn around $60,000 in a month.

All you need is to learn everything related to digital marketing including Google AdWords, Search Engine Optimization and social media marketing. You should learn how to optimize your keywords to reach the target audience and create a compelling content that will attract your customers’ attention whether on Facebook, Twitter or any other channel.

3. Programming

With the current technological advancement, modern organizations cannot gain a competitive edge without having an outstanding website and functional internal digital programs. Therefore, the demand for programmers is rising each day. Coding jobs can give you a potential salary of around $67,000. The good part is that it’s a flexible career.

To compete effectively in this industry, you need to through the code master class bundle. It will help you cover basic coding up to the advanced skills. You will learn about Python and Java programming and the fundamentals of C++, JavaScript, and HTML5.

All in all, there are many money making career opportunities out there that you venture in without necessarily acquiring another degree. Graphic designing, digital marketing, and programming are growing fields with lots of opportunities. They are high paying jobs and flexible. You can work whenever you want and wherever you feel. With technology advancement, a lot is achievable. So, if you want to switch your career, the time is now to try better and more exciting opportunities.



About Issa Asad

Issa Asad is an entrepreneur & marketing strategist with over 15 years of experience in Florida. He is currently the CEO at Q Link Wireless.

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